Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Yes, this one delivers all the visual gore it promises.

Rameses Fuad’s Egyptian Catering Shop sets up in a Florida community and almost immediately women are being killed and horribly mutilated – all to provide “food” for the feasts Fuad is preparing. Aside from all the killing he is doing, Fuad should have been arrested simply for having bad eyebrows.

No kidding, this shows everything, folks. And I do mean EVERYTHING! Movie audiences of the early 1960s became jaded when they were promised certain thrills in movies. By the time BLOOD FEAST came along, it handily delivered those “thrills” – by the bloody bucketful.

Hershell Gordon Lewis began a string of these type of films, thereby earning him the nickname “The Godfather of Gore”. He did very well with these movies and in years past was writing a lot of the junk e-mail advertisements you used to get in the mail, ad nauseum.

BLOOD FEAST is interesting on several levels. One being the blood factor relative to the era in which it was being filmed, two being the ultra-realistic bony stump seen after the attack on the girl in the tub is completed and three was the fact that Connie Mason absolutely could not act to save her own life. I imagine that this was intentional, because Lewis used her again in 2000 MANIACS. Even so, I’ve seen better on-screen performances from a stack of pancakes.

One of the extras here is a course on meat carving with Thomas Wood (male lead in BLOOD FEAST) and Harvey Korman (before the Carol Burnett Show).

This one is a keeper – the first and best of all Lewis gore films which came afterward.

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